If you are still not convinced and keen for an analytics methodology to be put in place right now, we shall take a quick look at certain facts and the larger picture. How exactly do you currently spot trends emerging in your different digital marketing and campaigning efforts? Maybe it’s just a, ‘Hmmm, we got these many inbound calls, RFPs, emails etc after we had sent this newsletter.’ or your reaction perhaps is, ‘Since we dispatched this newsletter, we got X number of visits to our site landing page, fetching Y number of conversions from so and so link?’ Which statement does sound better and will you prefer to get a clearer picture of your prospects’ mindset?

No analytics, no grasping of what works on your site and no testing means little understanding of your customers’ needs and preferences. As we’ve already said in one of our previous posts, A/B split tests are highly necessary for fine tuning the call-to-action by presenting a set of users with differing versions of a page.

Relevance of analytics

With a proper analytics base, a site owner is in a position to keep a finicky eye on marketing initiatives, and also look back and then focus on the ones that are producing good results, over time. Optimizely is a good tool for this particular activity. The service is simple. Its reporting features let you grasp the actions that work, apart from zeroing on viewers who are currently just passing over.

Once you realize, a campaign or marketing initiative is clicking with your visitors, it is a good idea to repeat it. Moreover, by deciphering such trends you can identify the content, presentation and delivery formats tend to work well with your readers at different stages during their visit to your, propelling your site conversions and the sales.

Hopefully I have made a strong case to underline the importance of analytics as emphatically as possible. Many of you are already aware of it. Apart from knowing your site conversion rate plus bigger trends, which are the other actionable aspects that can you look to derive from this data?

Whether or not we choose to accept it, SEO still plays a major part of how and for what prospects visit your site. Here you can put to use your power of thorough analytics! It provides insight into how they think, search and act instead of how you as a site owner think they search. Perception can be different than reality, and this is where analytics comes into play.

Follow up on actionable data

Once the goal tracking parameters and figures are put in place, and once you’ve gathered requisite actionable data (for a week or so, at least), take a closer look at how they arrived and the path they followed. Look for things like the keywords that they have searched and whether they are the ones you bet on, and invested in? If that is not the case, adjust the current ad spend as well as content. Focus on different and new keywords.

Social and SEO

Social media sure can drive good traffic and thus leads. However, with a wide array of platforms now available, how to pick the correct ones? Analytics will provide a clue to this almost in a flash. One obvious answer is Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn! But there are so many other domain specific, niche social platforms that can fetch your site a more quality traffic. A solid presence can be cultivated and meaningful leads can be created through marketing initiatives and activities..

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